Year: 2015

Five Ways to Begin Frugal Investing

If you are going to invest money when you have very little money to spend then you have to think about your investing budget the same way you think about your household budget.  In other words, you really do have to live by the words “buy low, sell high”.  Here are five ways you can

Frugal Politics: How the Tea Party is Impoverishing America

You would think that reducing taxes and government waste would be a good thing but the Tea Party politicians are slowly dismantling the US economy and they seem to be completely unaware of the stupidity of their policies.  Let’s do a little bit of math here to illustrate the problem. Say you have a country

Is There a Frugal Way to Gamble?

I think that’s a pretty interesting question: “Is there a frugal way to gamble?”  That’s the kind of question you want to hear from your children when you explain the frugal lifestyle to them and then the conversation shifts to gambling.  Okay, that happened to me.  And I could never be more proud of my

Should the Frugal Lifestyle Include Risky Investments?

This poignant commentary on the closing of the Chicago commodities exchange market place brought to mind some old investments I made that did not turn out well.  I had some extra money and decided to take a chance on some investments.  None of them worked out.  At the time I thought, “Well, it was money

Have a Merry Little Coupon Day!

Let’s talk about coupons again because I don’t think enough has been said about them.  I want to cover three points on coupons: scams, outdated information, and bad choices.  Now you probably have heard about coupon scams before.  But I have a very special type of scam in mind.  So let’s get right to it.

The Before and After Test for Frugal Spending

In an article about frugal spending, the Little FAQs Website asks the question, “are coupons the best way to save money on groceries”?  This is a good question for people to ask before they start using coupons in their quest for a frugal lifestyle but I think the question calls for some extra thought.  That

Replace Uncertainty with Small Choices

You can be frugal with your decision-making as well as with your money.  I’d like to illustrate this point by talking about this article on another Website.  The writer is afraid to try investing in the stock market because it’s complicated and a lot of people really do lose money that way. And what I