Category: Investing

Five Ways to Begin Frugal Investing

If you are going to invest money when you have very little money to spend then you have to think about your investing budget the same way you think about your household budget.  In other words, you really do have to live by the words “buy low, sell high”.  Here are five ways you can

Should the Frugal Lifestyle Include Risky Investments?

This poignant commentary on the closing of the Chicago commodities exchange market place brought to mind some old investments I made that did not turn out well.  I had some extra money and decided to take a chance on some investments.  None of them worked out.  At the time I thought, “Well, it was money

The Three Basic Ways to Make Money in the Stock Market

There are many different ways to make money on the stock market, more than I can tell you about. If you don’t have much money to work with, though, your choices are relatively few. These are the strategies I know about that allow you to invest in stocks with relatively little money. But remember that

Why is Averaging Down a Bad Stock Market Strategy?

I used to listen to an afternoon investment strategy radio show. People would call in to the show with questions about all sorts of stocks and bonds. The show hosts, who were professional investment fund managers, would give their opinions on whether to buy, hold, or sell the financial securities people described to them. Of

When is the Best Time to Enter the Stock Market?

People who want to know when the best time to enter the stock market is are usually thinking about “timing the market”. They want to get in when they can buy low and get out when they can sell high. Even among the most seasoned professional traders this is virtually impossible. And so the answer

Why the Stock Market is Always Volatile

People don’t always make rational choices. When you begin investing in stocks you will be inclined to “look over the shoulders” of other people, even your friends, to see what they are doing. Psychological and social research shows that people often make decisions based on what people around them decide to do. In one recent

A Simple Way to Begin Investing in the Stock Market

Have you been wanting to invest in the stock market but you feel like you don’t have enough money. You may have several friends who feel the same way. It is possible you can help each other, although this plan involves a great deal of trust. You also have to have at least $200 available