Category: Shopping

Have a Merry Little Coupon Day!

Let’s talk about coupons again because I don’t think enough has been said about them.  I want to cover three points on coupons: scams, outdated information, and bad choices.  Now you probably have heard about coupon scams before.  But I have a very special type of scam in mind.  So let’s get right to it.

The Before and After Test for Frugal Spending

In an article about frugal spending, the Little FAQs Website asks the question, “are coupons the best way to save money on groceries”?  This is a good question for people to ask before they start using coupons in their quest for a frugal lifestyle but I think the question calls for some extra thought.  That

How to Get Free or Discount Prescription Medicines (Legally)

Even if you have pretty good medical insurance you may want to take advantage of some prescription programs designed to help get much-needed medicines where they will do the most help. It is true these programs have come under some criticism due to the controversy regarding overuse of prescription medicines, especially antibiotics. Still, if you

Do Diet Plans Have to Be So Expensive?

So now that you have decided to lose weight, you’re looking at diet plans and you’re finding that maybe they are more expensive than just continuing to eat the way you normally do. The number one complaint about weight-loss plans is that they turn out to be so expensive. The number two complaint about weight-loss

Why Browsing a Bookstore Can Save You Time and Money

Despite all the technological improvements offered by online retailers today, I still find myself visiting bookstores to purchase new books off the shelf. I don’t buy enough books to warrant a discount card but when you add in the shipping charges on individual books, your local bookstore may offer competitive pricing compared to the online

How to Tell When Buying in Bulk Saves You Money

You don’t necessarily have to be a member of shopping clubs like BJs, Costco, or Sam’s Club to buy in bulk. Major retailers like Target and Wal-mart do provide bulk purchase sections in their larger (“super”) stores, and maybe some smaller stores, too. And there are discount stores like Big Lots and Bargain Hunt, Dollar

How to Get Sale Prices without all the Hassle

If you are like me then you hate going into stores to look for merchandise on big sale days. But my wife showed me how to almost always get sale prices on good quality merchandise without having to fight the crowds. This is especially great for buying clothes when you have to look for just

3 Great Tips for Saving Money with Coupons

You have heard all the great stories about coupons that I have. You can save LOTS OF MONEY and sometimes even MAKE MONEY with coupons! But let’s be realistic. If you watch those super coupon saver shows you’ll notice one thing over and over again: people end up with warehouses of merchandise they never use.

When Should you Buy New versus Buying Used?

Whether it’s a household appliance or an automobile, sooner or later you will ask yourself the question, “Should I buy this new or used?” Let’s take a look at both sides of the question. The Advantage of Buying New Items Anything that comes “straight from the factory” is more-than-likely going to work right out of

Frugal Shopping: Saving Money at the Grocery Store

Frugal shopping doesn’t mean neglecting your favorite items, it just means approaching your shopping list and your trip to the grocery store from a frugal perspective. You can still eat all the same foods and drink the same drinks that you love, but if you do it from a frugal and simple mindset, you’ll find